Stavros Kalapothas

PhD researcher, member of the Electronics, Systems and Applications (ECSA) Lab at the University of Peloponnese.


stavros [at] ubinet . gr

I have a particular focus on spatial computing and FPGAs for compute intensive workloads at the Edge, as well exploring the RISC-V architecture including soft/hard processors and SoC for hardware acceleration. I work together with my supervisor Prof. Paris Kitsos.

My research experience also entails embedded systems and internet of things with multi-modal sensor technologies.

In the past, I have delved into wireless sensor networks and voice coding algorithms’ evaluation in mobile computing MSc Thesis.

As a radio amateur (SV2HZK) hobbyist I have a keen interest in satellite communication and weather data. Recently, I have built a weather satellite image receiver based on Raspberry Pi and an open- source project raspberry-noaa-v2. Furthermore, I also process earth observation data from EUMETSAT.

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selected publications

  1. preview_RISC-V.png
    A Survey on RISC-V-Based Machine Learning Ecosystem
    Stavros Kalapothas ,  Manolis Galetakis ,  Georgios Flamis , and 2 more authors
    Information, 2023
  2. preview_Edge_AI_Kria.png
    Efficient Edge-AI Application Deployment for FPGAs
    Stavros Kalapothas ,  Georgios Flamis ,  and  Paris Kitsos
    Information, 2022